Role: Main Programmer
Discord: Untouchable2k#6920
Experience: Coding for over 20 years, solidity and blockchains for the last three. Always interested in decentralized systems and security.
Degree: Associates in Computer Science
Built: Dapp page / React, Solidity Contracts, Statistics page, Mining pool, and Help pages.
Front-end Developer - Joseph Bittner
Role: Front-end programmer
Discord: DrCheekSlayer#1084
Experience: Coding for the last 3 years
Degree: Associates in Computer Science
Built: Front end main webpage, design of logos and colors.
Miner Software Developer - Crnxhhs
Discord: crnxhh#4535
Experience: 2 years of Blockchain experience along with 20 years in IT
Built: GPU Miner for Based Work Token, Statistics, Pool help