How Do I Mine?

Go to Ubuntu Instructions Go to Windows Instructions

Ubuntu How to Mine

Click Here to watch the Ubuntu setup video

If using Nvidia Cards make sure latest Nvidia updates are installed, CUDA 11.2 requires a minimum Nvidia driver version of 528 Run this command to install the latest graphics drivers in Ubuntu
sudo ubuntu-drivers install
After that, Download and Extract the .zip from

Linux Ubuntu 22&24: BWORK-Mainnet-Ubuntu-22&24

Linux Ubuntu 16,18,20: BWORK-Mainnet-Ubuntu-16,18,20-Miner **requires .net 5.0**

Download the .zip from the Github website, extract the files, and then give permission for to be executable. Then run by typing in a Terminal in the miner folder
This will install the Dot Net dependicies automatically. Rerun
after dotnet installs to run the miner!
Solo mining requires the miner to supply Ethereum ON Base network to their address with a privateKey and Address for transaction fees.
Click here to bridge funds from another blockchain to Base Blockchain
Example Bridge screenshot
Open the BasedWorkToken.conf file and edit in your privateKey and Public Address.
Insert the address (Base Address) you will be mining from into the "minerAddress" section.
Insert your wallets private key into the "privateKey" section
A seperate private key is suggested for mining, so your main private keys remain confidential.

YOU MUST Supply your address with Ethereum to pay gas costs to mint on the Base blockchain ID: 8453 
Click here to add the Base Blockchain to your Metamask

Run the  ./  script and you are now mining BWORK Tokens with a GPU on Linux!  **Make sure to make Executable!**

Windows How to Mine

Click Here to watch the Windows setup video

First, download and install these dependencies to mine Based Work Tokens. D&I - .NET Core 6.0 If using Nvidia Cards make sure latest Nvidia updates are installed, CUDA 12.5 requires a minimum Nvidia driver version of 528 After that, Download the .zip and then extract all the files from the .zip

Windows: BWORK-Mainnet-Windows-Miner

Solo mining requires the miner to supply Ethereum ON Base network to their address with a privateKey and Address for transaction fees.
Click here to bridge funds from another blockchain to Base Blockchain
Example Bridge screenshot
Open the BasedWorkToken.conf file and edit in your privateKey and Public Address.
Insert the address (Base Address) you will be mining from into the "minerAddress" section.
Insert your wallets private key into the "privateKey" section
A seperate private key is suggested for mining, so your main private keys remain confidential.

YOU MUST Supply your address with Ethereum to pay gas costs to mint on the Base blockchain ID: 8453 
Click here to add the Base Blockchain to your Metamask

Run the BasedWorkToken_Start.bat script and you are now mining BWORK Tokens with a GPU on Windows!

How To Pool Mine

Click Here to watch the Windows setup video

First setup everything except the private key in Windows or Ubuntu how to mine section Then in the primaryPool put the url and port you get from Click Here to go to Mining Pool website ex. Open the BasedWorkToken.conf file and edit in your primaryPool and Public Address. Insert the address (Base Address) you will be mining from into the "minerAddress" section. Insert your url and port private key into the "primaryPool" section Make sure privateKey = "", Run the script and you are now pool mining BWORK Tokens with a GPU with a Pool!